
Here are some links and resources you may find helpful. If you know of others that might be useful, please let us know at

Fishing, Resources, & Organizations

Dam Release and River Flow Information:
For over 30 dams statewide:

NH Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing Regulations:

NH Fish and Game – Fishing Pages:

Need a fishing guide? Contact the NH Guides Association for up to date information.

Wildlife Heritage Foundation of NH:

New Hampshire Wildlife Federation:

State and National TU Links

NH Trout Unlimited Council
Look here for information regarding other TU chapters.

TU National Headquarters:

MidCurrent, a Fly Fishing Site:

Help NH TU

An Easy Way at No Cost to You

Do you bank with TD Bank?

Join the TD Bank Affinity Program which earns  the State Council an annual donation. There is NO COST TO YOU! Five minutes of your time could help make a difference in our Coldwater Conservation efforts. Just visit your local TD Bank and ask to be added to the Affinity Program through Trout Unlimited, and they’ll take care of the rest. You don’t have to be a TU member to help TU through the  Affinity program, so ask a friend too.  See the following link for more information.

TU New Hampshire and the TD Bank Affinity Program Information (PDF)